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Mia was diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor in November 2011 just as she turned two years old. Due to tumor location coupled with treatment Mia is very small for her age but her sass and spunk make up for her size! She’s been mostly on chemotherapy treatment since diagnosis with only two short periods without any chemo. She just completed one year of treatment that has kept her tumor stable and she is currently on a break from treatment. Her tumor is slow-growing but recurrence/progression is unfortunately very common. We are going to enjoy however long she gets to be off treatment and that means more time doing regular kid stuff! In some ways we treat Mia’s cancer diagnosis as a chronic illness and we know that the reality of the situation is that she will face times where she’s spending more time at the hospital receiving treatment. This cancer journey has taught us to really realize what is most important in life. One of the blessings that comes with this is being able to focus more on family togetherness, making memories and trying not to let the little things consume us. We hope that one day a cure is found for all childhood cancers and Mia and her big sister Rachel (9 years old) love to help raise funds for research, cures, the support foundations that have done so much for us as well as for the hospital where Mia receives treatment. Mia is 5 years old now and loves school, camp in the summer, weekly dance class, horseback riding, music, arts and crafts, playing at the park and she loves to be with family and friends laughing, singing, reading, snuggling and giving everyone hugs. She’s our small but mighty warrior, hero and inspiration. Our hearts are grateful to our friends and family, families we have met since Mia’s diagnosis and also to the medical team that oversees Mia’s care. Thank you Camp Out From Cancer for letting us share Mia’s story, we are thankful for what you do to help so many special kids!!!!!

Getting Mia’s COFC package was a huge delight! Both girls love to read and they really adore the super cool Camp Out From Cancer tent, book bag and books. You are sending your love and light while sharing Isaac’s incredible story. Nothing warms the heart of a parent more than seeing their kids smiling and happy.

Lisa, Mia’s mom

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